A mission to restore
Bali’s ecosystem


One Bottle. One Tree.

Bali’s ecosystems rely on a series of highly inter-linked irrigation systems called Subaks. Formed over centuries by the indigenous people who work with the land, Subaks are so important to the land and its people they have been declared a UNESCO world heritage site.

With 80% of Bali’s indigenous forests having been destroyed, the remaining areas are now at grave risk from plastic pollution, leading to these vital waterways to dry up and threatening the surrounding ecosystems and people who rely on them for food and income.

The environmental damage has meant the Balinese people are facing increasing levels of poverty, with 26.42 million of Indonesia’s population now living below the poverty line, a huge increase of 1.63 million due to COVID. By acting right now, we can begin to reverse some of the damage caused, and restore the health of Bali, and help the Balinese people out of poverty.

They are not looking for handouts, they simply want the land to return to its former health, so they can continue to farm and grow. Every sale of Bali Water contributes to the Bali Green Fund, our mission to plant 10 million trees in Bali by 2030. Helping the Subaks to a healthy state.

Committed to a better future

By using technology to help secure Bali’s future we are contributing to a more sustainable future following the principles of the United Nations Sustainability development Goals.

Ten million trees by 2030.


We’ve made a commitment to the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) Trillion Tree Campaign to plant 10 million trees in Bali by 2030, contributing to the restoration of nature and driving climate action.

By taking part we not only help to plant more trees, but we also help spread an important message. And hope we inspire other companies to become part of the program. Every bottle of Bali Water in its own right becomes an opportunity to spread the message.


Our alignment with the United Nations Development Goals, we know that a lot of attention and care has been taken in creating these goals, and that all our efforts are being put into worthwhile causes that actually have the potential to make a huge difference.

Through the use of innovative drone planting we can reach hard to access areas, plant 10 times faster than by hand, and are 80% more cost effective. Plants are also carefully selected to ensure biodiversity and of their importance to the indigenous people for their use in traditional ceremonies, craft materials, and food crops. This highly considered approach will help restore Bali’s Subaks, a crucial part of creating a thriving environment.

We’ve pledged our commitment to four of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, contributing to sustainable solutions for the globe and working towards to a better future.


Be part of the solution

By using innovative technologies to help secure Bali’s future we are contributing to a more sustainable future following the guiding principles of the United Nations Sustainability development Goals.